Impact Factor

The impact factor is an academic measure of the frequency of citing scientific articles, or, to be straightforward, a measure of the importance and influence of an author.
It’s an interesting idea to put that criterion in the context of art, precisely urban art. The form which emerged from the rebellion against the official, fake-historical discourse, and yet managed to strengthen its position in the world of contemporary art during recent years. The presence of urban art in museums, such as MoMa or Tate, and at auctions in the biggest auction houses like Christie’s and Sothebys, is the best proof of its popularity.
At the ‘Impact Factor’ exhibition we’ll make an attempt at reconstructing the current image of urban art. It’s already far beyond the traditional norms of street art, and its network of connections widened to such extents we couldn’t have imagined a few years ago. We’ll present the results of our search by showing some of the newest works made by artists such as:
Takeru Amano (pierwsza w Polsce prezentacja pracy artysty); Banksy (pierwsza w Polsce prezentacja sygnowanej pracy artysty); Evol, Futura, Tomasz Górnicki, Damien Hirst, Invader (pierwsza w Polsce prezentacja prac artysty), Jan Kalab, Kaws (pierwsza w Polsce prezentacja pracy artysty), Cleon Peterson, Rammellzee, Paweł Ryzko & Axel Void, Sainer, Michał Żytniak.
10 grudnia 2022, sobota, 18:00
Brain Damage Gallery
pl. Teatralny 1, Lublin,
Centrum Spotkania Kultur / wejście od ul. Skłodowskiej/.
Wstęp bezpłatny
Saturday, 10th December 2022, 6:00PM
Brain Damage Gallery
pl. Teatralny 1, Lublin,
Centrum Spotkania Kultur /direct entrance from Skłodowskiej street/.
Free entrance
Subsidised by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland with financing from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture (the national special purpose fund). The project has been implemented thanks to the support of Lublin
City Council
Open until January 28th 2022:
Tue-Sat / 12-5PM
Brain Damage Gallery
pl. Teatralny 1, Lublin,
Centrum Spotkania Kultur / entrance from Skłodowskiej St./.
Wstęp bezpłatny